My 2020 Word For the Year


Some thoughts on my heart tonight: 💕 Like many of you, I often choose a “word for year.” As I’ve thought & prayed these last weeks over the dawn of 2020, God unexpectedly put a word on my heart. On the last day of 2019, Daniel performed at an event in Santa Barbara, & so the two of us gratefully stayed overnight in that magical place! On January 1st, we found a stretch of beach & took a walk up the coast, the sun setting pink all around us. The beach is one lined with beautiful homes. I remembered hearing that celebrities like Ellen live in that area, & so, like the stalker I apparently am, I did a quick Google search to check as we walked (side note: are you a gal like me who can literally find almost anything online? 🙈 I could legit work for the FBI 😂) “Daniel STOP!” I said, “We cannot be here! This is *actually* Ellen’s house right there & that is Ashton Kutcher’s!” (Anyone else see that Ellen episode where she & Ashton talk about how they’re neighbors?! Okay, I’m realizing I clearly need to pick up a hobby or something & watch less TV😂) He shook his head, “It’s fine, they’re just people & this is a public stretch of beach.” Come on! Let’s just walk & enjoy this beautiful sunset.” And I know this all sounds rather silly, but in this moment, I had a realization: I’ve let myself shrink back. Over time, in some ways, I’ve stepped out of the game, quieted my voice, played it cautious. And I know, there are seasons… sometimes “survival mode” is a real & necessary place to be. And yet, embracing growth & taking risks, stepping onto the water, bold & brave again…there are seasons for it all. That evening, I suddenly just knew my word for the year: Bold. “/bōld/ adjective 1. (of a person, action, or idea) showing an ability to take risks; confident & courageous.”⁣⁣
My friends, maybe you’re in a season of survival, & if you are, keep your head down, stay in your lane & *know* you are held & loved. But perhaps, like me, it’s time to step out up & into boldness..knees shaking but ready to walk, again. So, walk that beach, speak into the microphone, start writing the book, step out onto the stage, wear confidence like a crown.

 It’s in us, the boldness & confidence. And not all on our own, but because He is in us and with us. We have all the strength, confidence, peace, hope, bravery, provision, life & love given to us that we could ever need. ⁣

The world needs your voice. Your story. Your heart. Your particular personality, perspective, your gifts. So take a deep breath, step out... & shine. ✨💕