the little things

As I sit fireside, sipping a cup of Chai tea and sniffling (fighting a nasty cold and cough that I can't seem to get rid of), the family sitting around the room on big chairs under down throws as they flip through the channels on tv - from Hallmark Christmas movies  to Black Friday news- I am realizing how thankful I am for the littlest things. Yes, I am of course forever grateful for the big ones..the ones people commonly reference at Thanksgiving dinner like, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, my sweet family, dearest friends, and (as my precious friend of mine told me yesterday, she is thankful for "a place to live and a car that drives.")

I am thankful for the small things.

Thankful for  little things like hot chocolate with tiny marshmallows, freshly laundered sheets, Christmas lights, my little leather Bible, candles that smell like sugar, handwritten letters in the mail, fall football, reading the Psalms, Keith Urban's songs, a new shade of Essie nail polish, a long phone chat with a kindred spirit, mornings and new beginnings, second chances.

Reminded to not only enjoy the small things, but to be faithful in the little things.
“One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much."
{Luke 16:10}

And of course, reminded that I cannot do these things in my own strength but only through the grace of God.
 happy weekend, loves.