forgiven & forgotten.

I often chat about sexual purity and abstinence here on this little space. And while it's something so close to my heart that I believe in and am passionate about, I hope my readers know that "purity" does not equal "perfect". Sometimes, I receive questions and precious emails, full of despair and confusion - people like us who are not perfect, who make mistakes, and who feel dirty and alone. But God put this on my hear today: if you made a small (or really big) mis-step, if you did something you swore you'd never do, if you feel lost and alone, know there is hope. He can take your life and make it new. His blood washes our sin, white as snow. His love is bigger than anything we have done wrong, and His grace is an ocean... and we're all sinking, as the song says. 

I want you to remember that little truth today. And to start anew. If you've messed up in the area of purity, today is a new day. The Lord is all about new beginnings, fresh starts, second chances. Remember that. And know that we all fall and fail, but there is hope and forgiveness in Christ. The hope of that! 

This music video is one I just love, and if you are struggling with guilt, shame and feeling like you'll never be whole again - take a minute to watch it. And be encouraged.