My 2017 Word: Redemption

Happy New Year! 

2016 was one of the happiest years of my life, and it's sad to see it go, but I am so excited for all the Lord will do in 2017. Here's to new beginnings, second chances, fresh starts, new mercies every morning, and grace upon amazing grace from our good, good Father. 

I absolutely love ordering my new planner for the year, getting all my paper things ready (post on that to come, soon) and sitting down with coffee, pen and paper and writing down dreams, goals, plans, ideas, and also -- my word for the new, fresh, upcoming year ahead. I started doing this a few years ago, and it's been something I've loved to do. A few days before Daniel and I met, I claimed "Wild and Free" for 2014 and it certainly was that!! I believe speaking LIFE over our upcoming year and future, as we trust God who is in control of it all, is a beautiful, purposeful thing. To really look ahead with clear eyes and an open heart. To look back on the previous year's chapters -- with all their heartache and joy, disappointment and fun, loss and triumphs, and to give it all to Him, closing the pages on that "book" and without bitterness, to lay it at Jesus' feet and move forward. We simply aren't perfect and life is full of brokenness. To do lists go undone. Dreams go unfulfilled. Plans go awry. Hopes are thwarted. But, in it all, He is sovereign, He is good, He is kind. Often, it can be overwhelming to make a list of 25 New Year's Resolutions only to realize in March that the list is gathering dust and you've been completely derailed. This is why I like to pick a word and a vision for the new year. I also love writing those lists and goals. But, I try to focus on the word for my new year and not so much on what I need to do, be, accomplish, and change. 

This year, the word the Lord put on my heart is REDEMPTION.

For a lot of personal reasons that I've written in my journal to the Lord. But, I am praying, speaking, and believing for redemption for some things in 2017. Maybe you are, too. For my heart, life, etc. His redeeming love is one of the sweetest things about my Jesus. 

He redeems. It's who He is. The very nature of His heart, His character, His love for us.

The very reason He came to earth as a poor baby and was nailed on a cross at Calvary. To redeem it all for you and for me.

 He makes the broken beautiful. 

I love the Scripture that says: 

"in the presence of the God in whom he believed, who gives life to the dead and calls into existence the things that do not exist." -- Romans 4:17

He calls the things that are not as though they were. 

He gives life to things that are dead, broken, long gone, over, totaled, spoiled, ruined, too late.

I have seen with my eyes the Lord's faithful redemption and grace spilled all over my life. In incredible ways. In so many areas of my heart and life. And I believe He can continue to do it in my life and in yours. 

This song is an old one but a good one on redemption. 

So call it, sister. Redemption. This year. Believe our God who can do it. Who literally breathes life into that which is dead. Whose "words alone can catch a falling star." He lives. He is alive. Trust Him. Look to Him. He may not redeem it all today or tomorrow or even in 2017. But He will, fully and completely. Thank you Jesus for Your sweet redemption! For bringing dead things to life. For breathing hope into the darkness. For carrying us when we are weak. We love you. We trust You. You are so good.

What is your word for 2017?