A little letter of hope, for your Monday.

Dear beautiful friend,

As you step out of bed this quiet, sunny Monday. 
As you brush your teeth and slip on your maxi skirt and favorite top.
As you clasp your golden necklace around your neck,
and spray that purple round bottle of perfume on your wrists.
As you pour your steamy coffee, adding a spoonful of sugar and a splash of cream.
As you walk down the sidewalk,
get into your little car,
walk into your office,
find a chair in the classroom,
sit down at your old desk in your room as the sun streams in,
maybe just pick up the baby and walk him to the couch,
or even pick up the paper and search for that elusive job.

As you sigh, wondering how you will weather the storm you're fighting.
As you breathe and try to calm your racing heart, 
wondering how you'll find peace in the anxiety.
As you smile, wondering how you deserve to be so happy. 
As you wipe away a tear, wondering how on earth you will withstand the pain.
As you shudder, wishing the guilt would just go away.
As you roll your eyes, mad at the world - bitterness running through your veins.
As you try and numb the pain, with shopping or alcohol or sex.

Whatever you face today, my friend.
Whatever you fight.
Whatever may confuse you, bring you down, 
weigh on your heart like a heavy burden, make you cry, 
cause you to smile and laugh and just feel crazy blessed,
and the thing that makes you just wanna give it all up.

Whatever your Monday looks like. Whatever looms ahead in your week...

I want you to know 6 things:

1. You are not alone.
2. You are very loved.
3. You have one wild and precious life. Use it wisely.
4. Jesus is there. Just ask Him to speak, to come. And hold onto those whispers.
5. You can hang on, He is there. He takes your darkness and He can make it light.
6. I promise, it's all going to be okay. 

You have a friend. 
Don't give up.
